Multimedia Creation Tools!

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This week I worked through the infographic creation workshop and created the infographic below!

Infographics can be a great for learning as the visual appeal would attract and engage the learner. Furthermore, the layout of the infographic could further help a learner to learn the content as the layout is simple and easy to follow. 

Below are some of the multimedia principles I followed in my infographic:

  • Coherence principle – I presented the information in a simple and easy manner, which helps learner to have a low cognitive load. 
  • Signalling principle – I used this by having 3 sections, which are like cues which allows the learner to  understand the information I intended to highlight.
  • Segmenting principle –the information into three sections which allows the learner to take a break after a section, and reflect. 

Here is the infographic from the workshop!

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