The importance of learning theories! Week 2 blog post

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How would the Dual Coding Theory change how you create PowerPoint presentations?

Dual coding theory focuses on two main components, auditory store of information, as well as visual storage of information. When encoding information, visual aids have shown to enhance the storage and retrieval of important information. Employing the dual coding theory during presentations may increase the likelihood of an audience’s ability to retrieve information discussed during the presentation. Additionally, using visual images in the creation of presentations and ensuring that they are not flashy or distracting may make it easier for the audience to understand and store the information, according to the dual coding theory. Furthermore including a personal tone in your presentation, will further increase the likelihood of your audience storing and retrieving the information. Dual coding theory, when used correctly during the development of a presentation, such as by employing visual images, ensuring those visual elements are not flashy, can significantly enhance a presentation. The video below provides further detail that can help aid in the construction of presentations!



Why are we talking about the concept of Flow in a class about online and multimedia learning?

The concept of flow can be vital in learning. The concept of flow discusses elements that can be applied in learning to enhance our potential for a specific task and enjoy the process of working on that task. The concept of slow is important in this class as it allows us to own our learning and creativity, find our intrinsic motivation, to ultimately create and engage in meaningful work. The image below illustrates the elements involved in the flow theory!


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